Monday, May 2, 2011

Little Wings, Tigersaw, Paper, 2004

Little Wings, Tigersaw, Paper
November 15, 2004
1 Pearl Place

Poster by Jonah Stern

Beautiful poster, very nice music too! You gotta click on this one to see the nice details.

1 comment:

  1. This was one of the loveliest shows I saw at Wesleyan. I was over the moon for Little Wings at the time, and my friend saw this poster and called me right away. I couldn't believe that Little Wings, who I pictured as some large musical powerhouse, was a friendly guy named Kyle with a guitar. I got there way too early and sat front and center, on the floor at the base of the mic stand. him bong hits. A buddy of mine had given Kyle bong hits just before he took stage. The musician wasn't use to such large lungfulls, and got stoned out of his head. This translated into a long, heartfelt show with nonsensical hippie rambles in between songs.

    - Andrew F.
